We are finally at the time where companies are forced to seriously invest in sustainability insights for reporting. Sustainability is about Impact, Risks and Opportunities. We at SquareOne.no based in Norway are working on modelling this togther with the foundation TerraVera.world. I am the founder of the first commercial pure free software development company in Norway, and I am therefore looking for creative commons / open source initiatives that use data-sets for Risks, as the SquareOne.no development model will be based on free software and open models. This Open Risk Commons seems inavtive, but I am wondering, are there any active participants here, do you have examples of data-sets on risks, and are you willing to share experiances, examples, and other information in an effort to revitalize a global open modelling effort (with tools) towards sustainability Risks (and Impacts and Opportunities)? Who is here?
Not many are here but there is always a first step
Sustainability risks span a vast domain and we have barely started scratching the surface, definitely if we are talking about open source approaches. Its great to see fellow travellers along this path.
One resource that you might find useful is the awesome sustainable finance list I have put together that surveys a number of areas and has links to available datasets.
You are also welcome to add there any pointers if applicable, e.g., via a pull request or any other comments and ideas.
Hi, thanks for the response! And that list is absolutely awesome. Thank you, we will contribute there.
Currently we are modelling the European Sustainability Reporting Standard for large northern european companies. We use our model of the ESRS and the implemented data instances we make for these companies, to develop a referance model with parameters for data quality (we call it “Terra Vera Fidelity”) and sustainability score (“Square One Sustainability Score”). We are working with the different companies Risk Managers, and CFOs, to collect data from their systems and model it.
The referance model will be the benchmarking tools, and will be an open data model from the foundation Terra Vera, but the tools we develop for the SMB-companies, will be used by SquareOne, and will be open source tools under GPL3.
This is a highly risky venture, lots of bumps in the road, but I’d love to find good collaboration communities that we can both serve and grow with.
So again, thank you for your links, and I’ll report back here with a thread on models and tools after easter at the latest, or earlier if there are any questions.
This is a highly risky venture
Yep, I know a thing or two about risky ventures. Godspeed, may the stars be aligned for you.
Specifically about ESRS there was some time ago a discussion/request at the sustainable finance forum to have a place to discuss. So I have setup a dedicated category for posts here in the Commons. Feel free to use if appropriate and useful.